Monday, April 22, 2024

The Owl Returns (and a few others for me)

 HOT HOT HOT yesterday (4/21/24)

Pool early, walked home soaked (to stay cool) then the WORST 4PM Mets game EVER... so I needed a walk.
I sat by the water for a while -  finally a BREEZE!  I saw this lovely guy:

Tri-colored Heron

Can I get al little closer without scaring him?

I CAN!  I'm STEALTH hahahahahaha

While watching Tri, I saw one - or maybe two anhinga doing their Snake-Bird thing!

Next was the Great Blue Heron

But, apparently, I was NOT AS STEALTH! 

It was so breezy, I THOUGHT I might be able to take a little stroll.  I walked down by the anhinga nest -  maybe the babies would be around somewhere -  nope.  (But I do think that one - or were there two - swimming could have been them.)

Of course, while this was happening -  I had one eye on the sky -  the clouds, the moon -  all awesome!

OK -  so there were no babies by the old nest BUTTTTTTTTT -  while looking up at the moon again, I hear a cacophony of Blue Jays -  I follow the sound and GUESS WHO??????   (or should I say GUESS HOOOOOOOOOOOT)

Blue Jays were dive-bombing this guy.  

He finally hopped off to hide from them... but BOY WAS I HAPPY!! 
I have not seen him since February!  

When I sent this to Kenny he said "MOM!  You can see his PANTS!  They NEVER SHOW THEIR PANTS!)  hahahaha   

And finally, for Suzy -  if you're still reading.  This morning I walked past that "dead, old stick tree".  It's GLORIOUS! (the photo is lacking, but it really catches your eye while walking by!)

That's it for now.  A rainy day is expected -  We'll see!


Suzy said...

very cool neck on the tri-color heron! sorry to miss the stick tree coming to life, still waiting to meet baby boy

nanook said...

I'm looking forward to a photo of you and the new little guy!