Monday, March 30, 2009

Visited another food/nutrition Page before time runs out!

OK- so there's only a couple more days in this round... to add to what I've completed so far, I've done the following:

Been to the link listed at the end of the paragraph... did some calculating for myself and my hub... now comes the hard part- trying to put this plan into action! GREAT PAGE! Thanks for this one... VERY informative

March is National Nutrition Month.
There is lots to learn about the nutrion facts on food labels. To learn more, take a look at

I also took that quiz... interesting- it said: Your attitudes surrounding body image and food are healthy (in psychological terms, not necessarily nutritional). This is no small feat in today's society. Congrats! Don't let other's ideas about beauty get in the way of your own. Eat well, exercise, and stay healthy!

Not sure if I believe the results- yes... about not letting other's ideas get in the way of my own, but it didn't say much about my nutritional habits...

And now something completely different: it's 7 days, 0 hours and 57 minutes till METS opening day! HA. Can't wait!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Should be Nanook DOESN'T think!! Sorry... I've been remiss.

As requested- for the second round of conscious eating I did this activity:

Activity 3. Try a new health food each week. Scared of tofu? Buy a flavored one and chop it into a salad. Curious about veggie burgers? Try Boca Burgers if you like somethings traditional or Dr. Praeger’s or a Garden Burger for something delicious and different. Never had a raw avocado? Passionfruit? Pomegranite Juice? Fennel? Try it! If you have any questions, give me a holler!

Changed from beef to turkey burgers.. not bad. Did try the tofu at the OCL, but have not tried it on my own.

Also: I've been eating apples rather than cake! Not quite the same, but a change for the better... and no video (don't have a player at home... yeah, I know)but I did read the vege article.... Activity 5. Read this informative article: “Vegetarian Foods – Powerful for Health” at

One of the things I've been working on this round is adding MORE veggies to the everyday diet... I have a GREAT all veggie NO POINTS (for those WW people) recipe to share... will share tonight.

These activities have been over the last two sessions... staying conscious of what I eat... BELIEVE me... I AM THINKING.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Read the caffeine article

So... I've read the caffeine article... I have to say, I thought it was going to be BAD... I was pleasantly surprised! When I was an IT person up north, I drank coffee until I jittered... it was a bit scary sometimes, but usually good for a laugh. I have cut back on my intake but still get those eye-piercing headaches if I fail to have a couple cups of coffee for a day or two.

What a nice surprise that I am finally doing something GOOD nutritionally! Thanks for that article link... I think I will check out some more of them.

I now have progressed to "not even WANTING to eat after 8pm" HOORAY! Now, if I can keep moving forward that will be great.

With the warmer weather, I imagine more walking will be easy to do! My hub is also out of his cast, so he will be able to walk with me (much less lonely that way!)

That's all for now- I've got some reading to do.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ok. it's been a while

It's been a while since I've posted. I was away for a fabulous "girls only, old co-worker's" weekend and got rather sick... sort of a bronchial thing, but it was great seeing old pals! I miss them so much... anyway... I have been sticking to the plan of "nothing after 8" and don't even have to think about it much.

I tried the tofu.. way back when it was offered in the library... and LIKED IT- MUCH TO MY SURPRISE!

I am following the plan to think before/while I eat. It does seem to be working somewhat. Probably the biggest aid in my new eating regime has been my husband's need to eat "nothing from a cow" as his doctor put it.

We've been eating some interesting incantations of chicken and turkey.. with LOTS of veggies.

If I hadn't gotten that bug from my friends, I'd probably be able to say I FEEL GOOD! hahahaha...

I will re-read the oclwellness blog and see what else I can do. Then post again... Sorry for the delay- but I'm really feeling more like myself now! PHEW! :)