Friday, February 4, 2022

Doing February 3rd things on February 3rd.

 Yeah.  Just me not posting on time again.  I guess it's a thing.

I have a bunch of photos from other days.  I really DO try to take at least one photo every day but I often take more and don't use them.  

Yesterday's photo was not great.  It was too sunny to actually SEE what I was taking a picture of lol... Two of my favorite birds were skulking around the lake by the pool.  I just couldn't frame them or even SEE them -  but here are the photos.  

For "tomorrow's" pic, I'm going to use an old one.  There was nothing on my walk today - other than "Jim from Nebraska" - (now from Florida) and even that wasn't all that interesting hahahahaha

Oh. what makes this interesting to me... I've never seen these very tall guys swimming (or pretending to be ducks, I guess).

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