Wednesday, January 12, 2022

New Direction for this OLD Blog!

 Someone said you should write something every day -  even if it's just a small entry about the weather.  I have tried.  I don't keep up -  so here is a new idea.

I will try and post one photo a day on this multi-purpose blog lol... while spending my days in Florida.

I would change the name of the blog... but instead I'll just name it in my head:  

Clouds and Birds and Sunshine and Flowers and Maybe Some Animals Too!

So -  here is the first post!  It was taken out the window on the lanai (yeah. nice word) on the day we arrived.  It was a L O N G drive.  We left on Saturday at 0-dark-30 and arrived on Sunday about 2PM.  Glad we're here, but not happy about this ongoing pandemic.  

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