Friday, September 18, 2009


I was hoping I could use this line to post about my favorite hobby....

"I use multi-million dollar satellites to find Tupperware in the woods... what's your hobby?"

I saw this on a T-shirt and I must have it... I'm a 4 (going on 5 this November) year geocacher... I've released one travel bug that recently showed up in Oklahoma - he is truly LOST!! lol. My sister's bug has made it to Europe... we're currently watching him travel through Germany.

I have had THREE of my own caches... all named after the bug- GeoHenry... one was closed due to my move south, one was muggled and the final one is still going strong!

This is truly one of my favorite FUN FUN FUN activites!! I will write more on this as I peruse the challenge blog...

thanks- and get out there and GEOCACHE!

Visit for more info! My GeoHenry Cache is located at:

N 39° 54.630 W 074° 08.591

If you have a geocache account (it's free.. go for it!) you can find me at:

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