Friday, February 4, 2022



Every time I pass this point on my walk, I MUST MUST MUST touch this exact palmy thing.  I started it the first year we were here... and the spiny things were much bigger on the trunk of the tree.  This year THEY WERE TRIMMED!  Took me a while to find the right one -  but now I never miss reaching out and touching it.  If by some strange occurrence, I miss touching it... I will GO BACK to do it.

I actually do the same on my NJ walk hahahahaha.   There's a sign about 1/2 way along my walk.  If I miss it -  I go back.  If I totally forget, I think about it for the whole day.  Or... I make myself touch EVERY sign I pass for the rest of the walk.
What can I say.   WEIRDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doing February 3rd things on February 3rd.

 Yeah.  Just me not posting on time again.  I guess it's a thing.

I have a bunch of photos from other days.  I really DO try to take at least one photo every day but I often take more and don't use them.  

Yesterday's photo was not great.  It was too sunny to actually SEE what I was taking a picture of lol... Two of my favorite birds were skulking around the lake by the pool.  I just couldn't frame them or even SEE them -  but here are the photos.  

For "tomorrow's" pic, I'm going to use an old one.  There was nothing on my walk today - other than "Jim from Nebraska" - (now from Florida) and even that wasn't all that interesting hahahahaha

Oh. what makes this interesting to me... I've never seen these very tall guys swimming (or pretending to be ducks, I guess).

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Many Skies of Florida

 I took these all yesterday -  but they are so lovely I'm posting them today! They are in order in which I took them... from afternoon till sunset.

Doot, doot, doot... looking out the FRONT door lol

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

 Happy February!  I hear the weather will be improving EVERYWHERE!  Pretty sky this AM.  Here it is:

I don't want to forget how nice our neighbor was yesterday.  After the huge snowstorm (where Bayville won in the NJ snow amounts) I reached out to our neighbor.  I asked if his boys would like to earn some money for shoveling our NJ home so doesn't look UNlived in at the moment.
He never got back to me.  
I was locked on the phone with Amazon (another story) 
I heard the "ding" from my camera over and over
I finally got to check... and THE WALK (and I'm assuming the driveway) WAS SHOVELED!
I reached out again -  saying I could Venmo $$$  he said -  don't worry about it.

How lovely.  I'll pay them when we return.  That could be a nice surprise for them.

January 31.

I really hate when I have the photo and forget to post. So here's to yesterday... again and again!

Oh boy. I also hate when I put a photo on this blog -  and it disappears!  Oh well.  Now you know what I don't like lol... here's a pic of what I do like-  every day as I pass it.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

I Got Nothin'

I took my walk. It is unseasonably cold here in Florida. That was my day out. I saw nothing and no one on my walk. I cleaned the lower half of the humongous glass doors. I figured out how to turn on the heat.
Here's that tree from yesterday lol

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Something Completely Different

 So.  I was going to post a picture that I took today about the weather... waaaaay down in Florida and it was 42° -  but that was better than being in Bayville where there was 16 inches of snow today.  

So then I was going to post my favorite tree because the light was JUST RIGHT... 

But then Patty and I were talking about the old neighborhood -  it started by simply trying to remember names of people -  but things are never simple like that... so below is the old neighborhood.  And I KNOW -  it's too big for the page but it was too hard to read if I don't make it huge.  OK OK... I changed it back hahahahah Never mind.   CLICK on the picture and it will be large enough to read. 

Friday, January 28, 2022

Happy Birthday, Peggy AND Thinking of You, Linda!!

 So early this morning, I took this pic that made me think of Linda.  Three shades of purple on one tree... NICE. 

And later that day -  A birthday party for Peggy.  I don't know how old she is, but it was nice to celebrate her -  she's a terrific lady!!  


I think no matter what your age, you should have a cake and a candle on your day!!

Late Again!?

 Oy.  I took the pic.  I thought about what I would say about it.  I went swimming and completely forgot to post. 

Oh well.  Here it is:

Unlike Injun Joe's cave in a previous post, this is the home of Junior Gorg.  
That's it.
That's the post.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Headless Duck, A Closeup and a Florida Chicken Tree

 Multiple UNrelated photos -  because that's how I roll lol.

The headless duck makes me think of Gracie!!  I can hear her singing -  no, not about a headless duck, but this one isn't really headless either.  

It's gonna be a longggg wet springtime.
And what will the birdies do then- the poor things?
They'll fly high in the sky just to keep their feet dry
And tuck their heads under their wings, the poor things.

It's gonna be a longggg hot summer.
And what will the birdies do then, the poor things?
They'll fly to the pool just to keep themselves cool.
And tuck their heads under their wings, the poor things.

It's gonna be a longggg autumn.
And what will the birdies do then, the poor things?
They'll fly to the south, with a worm in their mouth.
And tuck their heads under their wings, the poor things.

It's gonna be a longggg cold winter.
And what will the birdies do then, the poor things?
They'll fly to the barn, just to keep themselves warm.
And tuck their heads under their wings, the poor things.

While walking, I STOPPED, put on my glasses (they're reading glasses) and took this picture because I had NO IDEA what I was looking at!!  

Here's a lovely closeup of what people are calling the Orchid Tree.  I know it has a real name -  I don't have the wherewithal to look it up! 

And finally for today -  THE FLORIDA CHICKEN TREE! 
I think they're almost ready to be picked! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Harold Was Here!

Wow.  I woke up early -  as usual.

I stayed in bed - as usual.

Suddenly, the color of the sky was getting weird.  I don't have a good view from where I sleep, but I see a reflection of a sort when colors get interesting.  SO UP I GET!  My only thought is... HAROLD!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2022

Birds Birds Birds

 Today's post are a few birds.  We did SWIM today -  it was  62° for a high, but it was lovely in the sun!!  

Of course, we were the ONLY ones in the pool... and save 5 or 6 others who arrived and left at various times, the only ones AROUND the pool.  SIGH.  Tough life.

From left to right:  Wood Stork, Great Blue Heron, Snowy Egret

One of the many Anhinga -  catching some sun

It was so cold this AM on my walk that there was mist coming off the lakes

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Yo, Rocky! Hey, Adrienne.

Seems like forever ago that I saw Rocky on my walk. It was this morning. Lol
I'm trying to post to this blog from my phone today. That's 2 points for me (if it works) none if it doesn't. 
Ao... thats the post and here's Rocky.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Another Gloomy Day... BUT

 There was ONE MOMENT of sun -  and I was on the lanai to see it!

Also, while walking this AM -  I played a game of "What's in the Tree?"  Today it was an Anhinga (like a Cormorant, but with a snake for a head lol)

Can you see him??

I'll crop the photo to make it easier! 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Today's Post - TODAY!

 Creepy, foggy morning.  It seems my new wake-up time is 5AM.  It takes a while before it's light enough to walk and today it took even longer!  The fog is still out there and it's headed towards noon! 

So here are two photos of the gloom.

Oh Drat. I am so UNRELIABLE!

 So I either have to get my act together -  or change the rules!  Since I'm the only one viewing this -  I guess it doesn't really matter. 

Here is YESTERDAY'S photo. Hmmm... Which one should I choose?

So this is one of those "walking photos" I'm ambling along, singing a song (in my head) and BOOM.  Look at that bird up there!  I think I can zoom in a bit more.  The new phone/camera is GREAT -  but if I had my regular camera, I'd be able to really get a good look -  like that iguana yesterday!  But the overall look of the photo makes me happy.  Maybe I'll zoom in OFF the blog and add that to the bottom of this post.

That's it for YESTERDAY

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 So.  January 18th was busy... no walk no photos.  

Today shows the results of yesterday's business. 



Entryway – gazillion-year-old linoleum and carpet

Oooooh.  Ahhhhhh.



Hallway between bedrooms

Ooooh.  Ahhhh.

Kitchen - gazillion-year-old linoleum

Oooh.  Ahhh.  AND BONUS – new faucet!  (the old pic doesn’t show the old faucet)


Carpeted living room + Dad

Living room sans furniture

TWO old linoleum bathrooms

Master bathroom new tile

Guest bathroom new tile


One more view -  From the dining room to the lanai

Anyone want those dishes? lol